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Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:03 pm
by gglann
From what I have read, SoundSpectrum is no longer responding to support requests or to emails at all. And this has been my experience as well. I was able to download the demos and run them on an M1 Max MacBook. Very impressive! (even if the status of the company is not). Needless to say, it is questionable whether to buy from an inactive company; but the software does seem so far beyond all the alternatives. Anyone know if licenses can still be purchased? The website still has a place for that but what happens at this point once you make a payment? Will licenses be sent? And is it a license key for a downloaded demo; or is it a separate download for what is purchased?

Thank you to anyone who can help with this.

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:01 pm
by BTT
Hello gglann

You have asked a very important question. To be honest with you up until a few weeks ago SoundSpectrum had abandoned all their visualisation programs together with all support. However, from out of nowhere they have released a new version of G-Force (5.9) for Macs and will shortly release this update for Windows (based on the limited info I have). I will try to make contact with them regarding availability and payment for a licence. When (if) I receive a response I will post the info in this thread. G-Force is in my opinion the best of all visualisation programs and I really do hope they get their act together for all their loyal supporters.

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:45 pm
by gglann
Hello BTT,

Uh.. trying to control my potentially jumping for the possibility of joy... wow. Thank you so much! I think there is going to be a whole lot of breath holding on the part of bunches of people in anticipation of this. And actually, I am interested in purchasing all the programs. G-Force is extraordinary. But Aeon and WhiteCap, even SoftSkies are great additions as well. All of these, in demos, are running well for me. I would be very interested in hearing back when/if you know whether licenses are available for the others as well in their current version. And I am very interested in G-Force even if a new release does not occur. Finally, support for Tunr would also be great. Like others, downloaded music is not seen. And I have seen your posts that resolution of this is dependent on support from SoundSpectrum, currently not available. I will be looking forward to whatever you find. Thank you very, very much!!

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:04 pm
by BTT
Hello gglann

Great news, I have finally made contact with Andy O'Meara the owner of SoundSpectrum. I should have all relevant information regarding the future of the company sometime next week.

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:27 pm
by gglann
So exciting! And great news indeed!! I will be happily looking forward to hearing from you. And I hope he will provide information about the other products as well.

Thank you again so so very much!!

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:15 pm
by gglann
Hello BTT,

Have you received any updates; any renewed hope.. any shining points of light in the distance (or, even better, nearby)?

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:03 pm
by BTT
Hello gglann

In all my dealings with SoundSpectrum for some twenty years plus I have reached a very high level of patience. It seems a week really means maybe a month or a little longer or we have changed our mind. That said, there is a beta version of G-Force 5.9 for Windows available providing you are on the beta testing list so, progress is being made albeit not as quickly as I would want.

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:53 am
by gglann
Thank you BTT. That is encouraging news. I would love to be a beta tester, however I am on Apple. I will still anxiously be awaiting a release; but will adjust my time measures as you say. Is there a beta program for Apple products? If so, how does one sign up? Thank you again for your efforts with this. The information you have found and provided is far better than wondering in the dark. Thank you.

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 8:05 pm
by BTT
Still waiting for info from SoundSpectrum!!!

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 2:48 pm
by gglann
Thanks for checking in. Thank you for the update!

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 7:23 pm
by BTT
Hello All

A little bird just flew in my window bearing a message of glad tidings that the new version of G-Force should be released next week.

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:14 am
by gglann
How extraordinary.. I kid you not.. this weekend, a bird nested on my front porch. Perhaps they are the same family! What great news. Thank you!!

Any birds saying anything about other versions (Aeon, WhiteCap), perhaps especially, Tunr for mobile?

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:45 am
by BTT
Hello gglann

There is a new FULL version of G-Force available for macs ready for download. I have had contact in the last couple of days with SoundSpectrum regarding the purchase of a licence, so am waiting on a reply regarding that matter. I have also asked about their other visuals so we will have to wait and see.

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:51 am
by gglann
Thank you!! The only download I see available to me is the demo which is still, as far as I can see, the last version: G-Force 5.8.3. Perhaps you are referring to a new version available to current license holders. I will look forward to hearing what you find about new licenses. Thank you again!

Re: Are new Licenses Still Available?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:35 am
by BTT
Hello gglann

Yes, the new version of G-Force is 5.9. How old is your current licence? If it's out of date I would suggest you wait until I get info about how to pay for renewal etc.