Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

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Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by jerohm »

On Windows 11, I can't go into full screen with either 32bit plugin (Winamp) or 64bit Standalone
without locking up the system.
Has anybody been successful?

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by BTT »

Hello jerohm

Have not tried W11 yet as there are reports of loads of bugs on Tech Support Guy forum, their experts suggest holding off W11 for a while. In the meantime I have asked Brandon to respond.
Regards BTT

ColorMap Creator for G-Force and Aeon --- SoundSpectrum Forum Administrator.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by jerohm »

thanks, I also generated a support ticket. The Milkdrop visualization that ships with Winamp (v5.666) also gets
stuck when entering full screen, so I ASSuME it is Windows 11. I just got a new laptop that shipped with 11, so
I don't exactly know if I can roll back to 10 without a new license.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by jerohm »

Okay boys and girls - I found a group attempting to keep WinAmp 5.666 alive called WACUP. Google it and you can see if you are willing to give it a go. I haven't tried much yet, but I installed the Mar 11, 2021, v1.0.21.7236 Full Preview and I can get the GF plugin to go in and out of full screen. You need to copy the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\Plugins\vis_G-Force.dll" into "C:\Program Files (x86)\WACUP\Plugins\vis_G-Force.dll". This doesn't explain why the Standalone version hangs however.

I can definitely get things to go fullscreen, BUT there are bugs, and if you don't do things exactly the right way, you STILL lockup. I will update when I get a better handle on the exact sequence of steps.

If somebody else has done better research, PLEASE advise! You CAN NOT have any automatic startup of visualizations. You CAN have the toolbar start up upon G-Force invocation. You need to RIGHT click on the upper leftmost time display (actually right beneath the time string) of the WACUP main window . You should get a list of visualization options and need to LEFT click on "Select plugin...". DOUBLE LEFT click on "G-Force" and CLOSE... It should START by itself; you SHOULDN'T click on any START buttons.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by b.dwall »

Unfortunately, we are not able to support Windows 11 or the latest M1 Macs at this time. There have been a lot of changes to Mac and Windows operating systems in the last few years, which make it difficult for us to continue building on these platforms without a significant investment. SoundSpectrum will continue to provide licenses and support for previous versions of Mac and Windows that continue to function.

Please write in to us directly via our online contact form, and we can help address the issues that you're having with you directly. | |

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by jerohm »

Spoiler: NO!

The problem is NOT Windows 11. Back in Dec 2021, I purchased a new performance laptop (alienware x17). It shipped with Windows 11 installed, and none of my other machines have a CPU that met the (Win11) hardware specification, so they remain on Win10 (and Win7). I have had extensive stability issues with the x17, and THOUGHT downgrading to Win10 might help (or at least eliminate one of the variables).
Well I was able to load Win10, but G-Force still exhibits the SAME lockup issue switching between window/full screen mode. I am still able to use WACUP(Winamp update) and the procedure I previously outlined above, to switch between modes (Yeah!).

When a laptop has a dedicated GPU, and a CPU that has integrated GPU, you will often see mention of "Advanced Optimus" or "mux switch" implementations. These laptops try to juggle battery life vs performance, switching how the laptop internals interface with the local display and/or external monitors, power constraints (battery vs plugin), etc. Each implementation may have strict peculiarities to their interface protocol, that sometimes need some gentle tweaking in the application. I ASSUME this is the real issue.

Desktop computers that lack these complicating issues MAY WORK JUST FINE... or they may not. Fixing these type of issues are beyond the scope of my ability.

I am pretty sure that my x17 stability issues are totally unrelated to G-Force.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by BTT »


Code: Select all



A0=".1 + rnd( .6 )"   // sweep extents
A1=".1 + rnd( .4 )"   // Radius helper
A2=".1 + rnd( .4 )"   // sweep speed

B0="A0 * sin( A2 * t )"

C0="mag( s ) * .18 + A1"   // radius
C1="c0 * cos( s * 6.28318530 + b0 )"
C2="c0 * sin( s * 6.28318530 + b0 )"   

X0="C1 + B0"
X1="C1 - B0"
Y2="C2 + B0"
Y3="C2 - B0"


Regards BTT

ColorMap Creator for G-Force and Aeon --- SoundSpectrum Forum Administrator.


Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by Melonking »

jerohm wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:30 pm
Okay boys and girls - I found a group attempting to keep WinAmp 5.666 alive called WACUP.
Hi, I just dropped in to say thank you for this suggestion! WACUP works great; I uninstalled Winamp, installed WACUP and re-ran the g-force installer and it all works perfectly. I can confirm I was getting the fullscreen issue on Winamp and its fixed in WACUP on current Windows 11 build with a dedicated gpu laptop.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by djcmount »

I have Winamp 5.9.0 on a W11 Alienware x17 R1. I am able to launch fullscreen via winamp.

Unable to launch fullscreen via standalone. Have attempted a few simple workarounds that I've had some success utilizing for other applications without success yet (tried telling nvidia control panel to consider g-force as either using integrated intel or nvidia dedicated; no luck so far. Not overly optimistic on the standalone given reports from other forum members & news of no plans to update G-Force / sound spectrum.

Thought I'd share that Winamp 5.9.0 appears to work; haven't updated to latest official Winamp on that laptop yet & afraid to.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by djcmount »

I spoke too soon. Winamp just froze on me when trying to go fullscreen.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by jerohm »

Once I switched to the WACUP distribution (based on WinAmp 555), I didn't bother to go back to WinAmp 555. I am reasonably sure that the Alienware Command Center (AWCC) is the real culprit, no matter which 'version' of WinAmp you use. When AWCC was STILL installed, the WACUP distribution of Milkdrop work as EXPECTED, while the WinAmp 555 Milkdrop release exhibited the same fullscreen issue as GF. The first thing I would do is uninstall AWCC and try again. AWCC runs as multiple processes including a background one, so it is probably best to reboot after the uninstall. I have found that on my X17r1, Fullscreen invocation is a problem independent of BOTH Win10 and Win11.
Hope this (makes sense and) helps

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by chiota »

b.dwall wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:36 pm
Unfortunately, we are not able to support Windows 11 or the latest M1 Macs at this time. There have been a lot of changes to Mac and Windows operating systems in the last few years, which make it difficult for us to continue building on these platforms without a significant investment. SoundSpectrum will continue to provide licenses and support for previous versions of Mac and Windows that continue to function.

Please write in to us directly via our online contact form, and we can help address the issues that you're having with you directly.
With all do respect did you just announce that g-force is end of life? No way! I have used this program since like the late 1990's :cry: :( . Charge us more I'll pay it! Don't stop development on g-force.... its the best visual eye candy program there is....hands down!

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by juxtiphi »

chiota wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:08 pm
b.dwall wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:36 pm
Unfortunately, we are not able to support Windows 11 or the latest M1 Macs at this time. There have been a lot of changes to Mac and Windows operating systems in the last few years, which make it difficult for us to continue building on these platforms without a significant investment. SoundSpectrum will continue to provide licenses and support for previous versions of Mac and Windows that continue to function.

Please write in to us directly via our online contact form, and we can help address the issues that you're having with you directly.
With all do respect did you just announce that g-force is end of life? No way! I have used this program since like the late 1990's :cry: :( . Charge us more I'll pay it! Don't stop development on g-force.... its the best visual eye candy program there is....hands down!
Hi chiota

The post you qouted is just about 2 full years old. In that time there have been no updates or fixes for G-force and no new development aside from what some members have offered here. I doubt that there will be any movement on these progs ever again.

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by chiota »

juxtiphi wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:07 pm
chiota wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:08 pm
b.dwall wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:36 pm
Unfortunately, we are not able to support Windows 11 or the latest M1 Macs at this time. There have been a lot of changes to Mac and Windows operating systems in the last few years, which make it difficult for us to continue building on these platforms without a significant investment. SoundSpectrum will continue to provide licenses and support for previous versions of Mac and Windows that continue to function.

Please write in to us directly via our online contact form, and we can help address the issues that you're having with you directly.
With all do respect did you just announce that g-force is end of life? No way! I have used this program since like the late 1990's :cry: :( . Charge us more I'll pay it! Don't stop development on g-force.... its the best visual eye candy program there is....hands down!
Hi chiota

The post you qouted is just about 2 full years old. In that time there have been no updates or fixes for G-force and no new development aside from what some members have offered here. I doubt that there will be any movement on these progs ever again.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

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Re: Win 11 re: full screen broken?!

Post by TomGForce99 »

Not sure if this is a fix for everyone. But I am on Win 11 and was having the full screen crashing issue.

BUT I went into settings (before going full screen) and changed the graphics renderer from DirectX to OpenGL, and now full screen, although with a slight delay, loads up just fine.

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