Hello All
The following statement has been made by SoundSpectrum.
"We sincerely apologize for any delay in response. As you may know, our main offices are located in Manhattan, NYC, which has been severely affected by the recent Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately, our office building is without power and our staff are without Internet access and / or power at their homes, so responding to support or sales tickets and processing physical orders for our products has become extremely difficult. Thankfully, all of SoundSpectrum's employees and families are safe, and our hearts and thoughts go out to those who were more tragically affected by the storm. We do appreciate your patience in this matter, and we hope to return to normal functioning and more prompt response as repairs are made to our building and the rest of New York City."
Regards BTT
SoundSpectrum Support Statement
Moderators: BTT, andy55, b.dwall, juxtiphi